Last year Tommy’s Real Estate gave away
35,000 heavy duty reusable bags to help rid Wellington city of single use plastic bags. This year, we are excited to launch the next step in our goal to help Wellington
community be
#GreenerTogether. We’ll be giving away
10,000 produce bags in the next few weeks at your local selected supermarkets and veggie markets. Come and grab a bag for your veggies from our friendly Tommy’s team!
Did you know:
The average lifespan of a plastic bag is
12 minutes whilst they take
500 Years to bio-degrade. 100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic bags every year, affecting over
267 species. On land, birds and other wild animals often confuse shredded plastic bags as a source of food. The animals are unable to process the plastic and absorb toxins, eventually leading to death.
On the other hand, the average lifespan of a reusable bag is
84,000 minutes. By using them we remove
22,000 plastic bags from the environment! Tommy’s cotton produce bags aren’t just used for veges but can replace multiple other things we use plastic for, such as cosmetics, medicines, togs and tools. We are passionate about thinking outside of the box and using these wherever we can to help reduce plastic waste.

Tommy’s are passionate about moving toward sustainable practice, our goal is to be greener together and we are taking the steps to do so. We want to have you by our side when we do this! Whether you want to save the animals or save our environment, there are so many reasons to make the simple switch to reusable cotton produce bags.
At Tommy’s, we want to make it easy for you to make the switch by giving away produce bags.
We are so excited to be giving away produce bags this December, as Christmas time is not only the time for giving but it also creates a rise in waste materials being produced and disposed of during this busy season. With this in mind – what better time to aid people in their effort to reduce plastic with our Tommy’s reusable produce bags!
Let’s make an effort to reduce Wellington’s use of single-use plastic!
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