Author Archives: Tommys Real Estate

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Newsroom , Real Estate Insights

More buyers are making their offers conditional to selling their own homes first | Wellington Market Update | July 2022

More buyers are making their offers conditional on selling their own homes first — but risk missing out if vendors counteract with a ‘cash out’ clause.

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Newsroom , Real Estate Insights

Is now a good time to sell?

Is now a good time to sell? This is a question that is regularly directed at real estate agents. The current state of the economy and the negativity emanating from all branches of the media is no doubt a deterrent to some homeowners selling on today’s market, but sales are still taking place. Irrespective of the market conditions there will always be people transferring or moving house for employment or family reasons so there is no right or wrong time but simply a challenge to make the most of whatever the current conditions may be. We list below some thoughts that may assist in a home seller’s decision making.

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Newsroom , Real Estate Insights

Purchasing developments is becoming less popular | Wellington Market Update | June 2022

The waning popularity of buying off the plans means there are prime opportunities for first-time buyers and investors willing to speculate on townhouses and apartments, Tommy’s Real Estate Sales Director Nicki Cruickshank says. “Buying off the plans has really fallen with the loss of investors and first-home buyers, the two main groups who have bought off the plans in recent years.

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Pricing your property in a changing market

With house prices surging upwards as they have done in the last couple of years it is difficult to even contemplate a reversal of this trend but like it or not, that is exactly what is happening at the present time. We are not for a minute suggesting house values will tumble back to the levels of pre-Covid days, but there is plenty of evidence to tell us we are witnessing a price correction and for homeowners who want or need to sell, they may need to trim their price expectations a little.

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Community , Newsroom

Backing our big backyard with Trees That Counts

When it comes to taking a full landscape view, Tommy’s Wellington is ahead of the pack. It’s easy to see the changes that need to be made in our own backyards: a lick of paint here, a fresh bit of foliage there. But what about our big backyard: the diverse and lush landscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand?

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Newsroom , Real Estate Insights

A new market has led to a ‘spring rush’ | Wellington Market Update | May 2022

Homeowners are adjusting to a “new market” that’s led to a “spring rush” of listings and the re-emergence of first-time buyers. “It’s hard to start thinking about a winter market when we have had the most amazing weather but what we have noticed is a large amount of properties coming to the market in May,” Tommy’s Real Estate Sales Director Nicki Cruickshank says. “It’s almost like a ‘spring rush’.

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Real Estate Insights

Why you should obtain expert advice when buying and selling a property

Entering into a legal contract of any description is unlikely to be a regular occurrence for most of us so there will be times when it is prudent to obtain expert advice before entering into a legal and binding contractual relationship. Buying or selling a house or commercial property is no exception and unless you are familiar with this process, we recommend the involvement of specialist legal consultation in particular. If the property is an investment property, there are additional considerations pertaining to taxation and tenancy laws that a new buyer should be aware of. In this blog post, we will briefly cover some areas in the buying and selling process you may need to seek advice on.

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Newsroom , Real Estate Insights

Prices have fallen since Christmas | Wellington Market Update | April 2022

Wellington house prices have fallen since Christmas but are still probably 20 per cent higher than this time last year, Tommy’s Real Estate director Nicki Cruickshank says. “It feels to us that the market may have corrected somewhere between 5-10 per cent since the end of last year. A lot of sellers have rushed to market hoping to catch the peak but that ship has sailed.”

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Real Estate Insights

A perfect storm of factors is softening Wellington House prices | Wellington Market Update | March 2022

Everything, from COVID to inflation to lending policies, is impacting the market, Tommy’s Real Estate Sales Director Nicki Cruickshank says. “The level of COVID in Wellington has made the city feel like a lockdown over the past couple of have weeks and numbers been well down at open homes, but we expect this to improve in the coming weeks.

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Real Estate Insights

Useful tips for home buyers and sellers in a turbulent year

Real estate is often “top of mind” with large sections of our populace and is certainly a topic that gets more than its fair share of media attention. In a nation where homeownership is the goal of most people this is hardly surprising though we are at times, receiving mixed messages about the market. We are constantly getting advice, opinions, [...]

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Real Estate Insights

The cyclical nature of the Wellington property market

In our fortnightly blog posts and articles in our magazine, Tommy’s has attempted to offer worthwhile real estate news and articles of real estate interest to home buyers and sellers continuously since 2006. We trust that we have been successful in this quest and that our client base has found these articles informative. Regular readers [...]

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