Here to help Everybody Eats reduce food waste and food poverty 

Fighting Food Waste and Hunger with Everybody Eats

At Tommy’s, we believe in giving back to our community. That’s why we’re proud to support Everybody Eats, a charitable initiative dedicated to reducing food waste & creating a restaurant space for everybody to enjoy in Wellington. Learn more about how you can join us in making a difference. 

Boosting Everybody Eats with Fundraising Dining Events

Tommy’s has actively participated in and supported Everybody Eats through various efforts. One significant contribution was organising an extraordinary dining event where we invited our clients to be the diners.

Each attendee made a donation, providing a financial boost to Everybody Eats. This support was crucial in helping them stay afloat, keep their operations running, and explore opportunities for expansion, such as opening more nights and hosting special events like a gala night.

The event was a success, substantially increasing the visibility and customer base of Everybody Eats. Our commitment to the cause was further demonstrated by raising over $8,000, which funded approximately 1,600 three-course dinners for those who cannot afford to eat.

This contribution was comparable to the revenue Everybody Eats would generate over a month of operating three nights a week. Tommy’s have held two events with Everybody Eats and have another one coming up in October 2024.

People can book the space for a private function/event on a Thursday. For more details, contact Jack at [email protected]

Support everybodyeats

Fundraising Dinner

$8,000 in donations is the equivalent to 1 months lease covered.

Reducing Food Poverty

1600 three course dinners from rescued food to those who can’t afford to eat.

Repurposing Surplus Food

This initiative addresses the dual problems of food waste and food poverty by repurposing surplus food to feed those in need.

Our partnership

“Tommy’s really got behind the concept and raised the equal of what we would earn over one month opening four-nights-a-week.”
Jack Rainey, Everybody Eats Manager.

Jack Rainey, the Wellington Manager of Everybody Eats, elaborated on their pay-as-you-can restaurant concept, which involves rescuing food to create three-course dinners served on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights.

Situated in LTD’s space at 60 Dixon St., the restaurant operates three evenings a week, accommodating up to 60 diners per seating. Tommy’s played a pivotal role by inviting their clients to dine, volunteer in the kitchen, and make donations. This provided crucial financial support for operations and potential expansions, significantly broadening their customer base. 

Learn more about Tommy’s and Everybody Eats partnership

Thank you for helping us help Everybody Eats

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